Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Extractions and Space Maintenance
How can we help you?
We are happy to answer questions about our services and procedures.
These are a selection of some common questions that patients have. If your question isn't answered here, please contact our office. It's important to us that our patients understand their dental care.
Extractions and Space Maintenance
Are baby teeth important, even if they just fall out?
Baby teeth, also referred to as primary teeth, play several very important roles in your child’s growth and development. Their initial purposes include proper speech and natural chewing, as well as being a part of your child’s cute, angelic smile you love. They also help guide the permanent teeth into place as eruption occurs, acting as their own natural space-maintainers. Keeping these teeth healthy and free of decay will ensure they last as long as they were intended to and ensure that healthy permanent erupt in their place.
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